Appeal letter and email campaigns We're highly skilled at helping you reach out to contacts and generating donations quickly. We've helped clients increase their revenues by as much as six times more than what they were bringing in previously in their very first round of using our techniques.
Board recruitment and development A good non-profit starts with a strong board. Let us show you which board members to recruit and how to do it. We'll also help train your current board to get everyone in the mood to fundraise.
Brand development Are you proud of your brand? Does it attract potential donors? If not, we can help improve it to convey confidence and credibility to everyone who comes into contact with your organization.
Corporate gifts We can help you build a simple, effective strategy to bring on new corporate donors for events, employee matches or annual giving.
Fundraising plans We sit down with each non profit to understand their unique fundraising goals and then tailor a plan that addresses each goal, right down to specific tactics, and tie each to a timeline. We can help execute the plan, or train staff on how to do it themselves.
Grant writing Whether you need training on how to do grant writing, or someone to step in and manage your entire grant process from finding funders to submitting the application and handling grant reports, we will take care of it for you.
Hiring Services Many times non-profit board members are charged with finding a new Executive Director or Development Director and believe they have to hire an expensive placement firm. Hinton Consulting's vast experience working internally with non-profits can provide a very affordable alternative by providing interview questions and guidance at a fraction of the cost.
Individual donors We want to help ensure a significant portion of your annual revenue is unrestricted individual donor support. We do this by providing you with proven techniques to bring new donors to your organization and stewarding your existing base to grow their support.
Media relations We'll help you with strategic news releases and media relations guidance and even do the writing and dissemination for you through our media contact lists.
Metrics and evaluation Savvy donors of all types will want to see how your program's outcomes are fulfilling your mission. If you aren't measuring outcomes, or need more current data, we can help.
Relationship sharing When at all possible, we will share our relationships with you to help find a viable connection and build a positive relationship between you and a potential donor.
Social media We're experts in running social media campaigns that have no cost to the non-profit and bring in dozens, if not hundreds, of new donors. These campaigns also work to increase visibility of the non-profit by 300% or more.
Contact our founder directly to learn about a complimentary consultation or see our testimonials.
Board recruitment and development A good non-profit starts with a strong board. Let us show you which board members to recruit and how to do it. We'll also help train your current board to get everyone in the mood to fundraise.
Brand development Are you proud of your brand? Does it attract potential donors? If not, we can help improve it to convey confidence and credibility to everyone who comes into contact with your organization.
Corporate gifts We can help you build a simple, effective strategy to bring on new corporate donors for events, employee matches or annual giving.
Fundraising plans We sit down with each non profit to understand their unique fundraising goals and then tailor a plan that addresses each goal, right down to specific tactics, and tie each to a timeline. We can help execute the plan, or train staff on how to do it themselves.
Grant writing Whether you need training on how to do grant writing, or someone to step in and manage your entire grant process from finding funders to submitting the application and handling grant reports, we will take care of it for you.
Hiring Services Many times non-profit board members are charged with finding a new Executive Director or Development Director and believe they have to hire an expensive placement firm. Hinton Consulting's vast experience working internally with non-profits can provide a very affordable alternative by providing interview questions and guidance at a fraction of the cost.
Individual donors We want to help ensure a significant portion of your annual revenue is unrestricted individual donor support. We do this by providing you with proven techniques to bring new donors to your organization and stewarding your existing base to grow their support.
Media relations We'll help you with strategic news releases and media relations guidance and even do the writing and dissemination for you through our media contact lists.
Metrics and evaluation Savvy donors of all types will want to see how your program's outcomes are fulfilling your mission. If you aren't measuring outcomes, or need more current data, we can help.
Relationship sharing When at all possible, we will share our relationships with you to help find a viable connection and build a positive relationship between you and a potential donor.
Social media We're experts in running social media campaigns that have no cost to the non-profit and bring in dozens, if not hundreds, of new donors. These campaigns also work to increase visibility of the non-profit by 300% or more.
Contact our founder directly to learn about a complimentary consultation or see our testimonials.